The October 2013 Jackson Press

The Family Reunion ByLaws

College Bound
In Memorium (updated)
The Family Reunion ByLaws
The Jackson Press

The Jackson-Wilson-Robinson-Sanders Family ByLaws


A special thanks goes out to Johnnie Hilliard for taking on this daunting task and completing it so well


Family Mission Statement: "A family is about people bonded together by love, trust, commitment and/or a blood lineage. A reunion is a coming together. A family reunion is about people bonded by love coming together. Our mission is to continue the legacy. Our goal is to be united and to build upon one foundation for many generations to come, always connected by our blood lineage."

Family Reunion By-Laws:

Article 1:

1:1 The family shall be directed by the Board of Directors who are elected every 4 years at the family reunion. The Board shall consist of a Chairman, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary/Treasurer (one person assisting both…not two people), plus 4 regional representatives…one each from the Texas region, Northern California region, Southern California/Arizona region, and the Eastern region (covering Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Maryland and Georgia).

1:2 Duties of each Board member: The responsibilities of each Board member is as follows:


Oversee the Board of Directors;

Organizes two meetings per year to discuss the budget…one meeting before the reunion and one meeting after the reunion to assess the budget

Governing moderator of the reunion meetings


Works directly with the host city family and stay up to date on reunion plan progress

Help make and approve decisions from the hot city regarding hotel and budget items

Be available for the two meetings scheduled by the chairman in order to discuss scholarship applicants, budget concerns for the upcoming reunion

Oversee that information regarding the reunions is distributed in a timely manner (hotel info, agenda, t-shirt orders, special assessments, etc.)

Must attend all reunions during term…this can be waived in cases of emergencies

Vice President:

Will work directly with the regional representatives and host city.

Will act as President if current president is not available for meetings.

Must attend all reunions during term…this can be waived in cases of emergencies

Work in close proximity with the President and assist him/her with all duties


Establish and maintain reunion bank account

Keep up-to-date records of all transactions and balances.

Work directly with host city on funding of activities and meals

Approve special assessments for reunion activities

Establish a separate fund (see below) for floral arrangements, cards, etc to be sent on behalf of the family in regards to funerals of existing family members

Collects dues (in conjunction with secretary)

Submit a written summary to the secretary after reunions regarding the status of the family bank account

An additional note regarding the office of Treasurer: The Treasurer’s position is not a permanent position. The Treasurer (along with any office) can be elected every four years.


Will work directly with all board members in taking or getting notes from every meeting; able to obtain information from recorded meetings and keep a record thereof

Will assist host city with mailing and creating flyers or correspondence to family regarding the reunions (see additional note below)

Will take minutes at the family reunion meetings and have copies available via the internet or hard copies available for anyone who requests.

Work closely with Treasurer as far as record keeping is concerned

Should keep a running record of events from all family reunions

Keep current roster of family members

Create installment dates for reunion dues payments and incorporate it on the family notifications

Send summary of the family reunion to family members after the reunion

An additional note regarding the office of Secretary: A suggested timeline for mailing information to the family could be:

1. Send out the first notice of the next reunion October 1st which should include a brief summary of the July reunion identifying who was missing due to illness, any marriage updates, new babies, deaths, or issues from the reunion meeting

2. Second notice should be sent no later than November 15th giving great details regarding the upcoming reunion.

3. Reminder post-cards should be sent the second week of January

4. Final notice should be sent March 1st with final preparations and deadlines. Letters should include agendas so that the families can plan accordingly.

Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: THIS IS AN APPOINTED POSITION

· Will act as Secretary and take notes at meetings if Secretary is unavailable.

· Will assist Treasurer with any duties as needed

· Will assist with mailings to family members.

4 Regional Representatives:

Work closely with all board members

Keep records of family members within their vicinity

Assists the Treasurer and Secretary in collecting family information and dues, if necessary

Be a supportive factor in the reunions


1:3 It is the responsibility of the Board to guide, plan and vote on all items relating to the family. The Board should meet by conference calls a minimum of twice a year…one meeting prior to the reunions for planning purposes, and one after the reunions to assess the reunion and budget.

Article 2:

2:1 The Board will accept suggestions of where the next family reunion should be held during the family reunion business meeting. The family members present will vote on the location. In the event of a tie, the Board will make the final decision.

All family members 18 and older are eligible to vote regardless of dues being paid

Addendum to 2:1…Every year at the family reunion, a host city will be nominated and the host city family will decline or accept. Once the host city or cities have been accepted, the family will vote on the city preferred and a count will be conducted. The Board will get involved only if the following happens:

If no host cities have been nominated

If only one host city has been nominated and the host family does not accept the nomination

If the host family cannot complete the task of coordinating the family reunion (such as not securing a hotel within a timely manner or getting the letters out to the board within the deadline dates…which should be established by the board).

The board should supply a list of dates and deadlines for letters to be mailed out and the dates when certain details should be established such as hotel location, price and agenda to the host family as a guideline.

If the above happens, the Board will exhaust all remedies to continue and complete the tasks necessary to have the family reunion at the nominated and voted city. If the Board is unable to go forward with having the reunion in the elected city, the Board will decide on the new city and delegate duties to any family member(s) to get everything finalized before the reunion date.

2:2 The Board will set the amount of dues that will be charged to the family members and the family members will vote at the reunion business meeting on the amount.

2:3 The Board will present any new or changed bylaws to the members in attendance at the reunions for their vote to approve, delete or add to the Family By-Laws.

2:4 The family members in attendance at the reunion will vote every 4 years on the Board of Directors.


Addendums to the By-Laws:

Suggestion: Create a reunion committee (separate from the hosting reunion committee) for miscellaneous details, such as determining who receives scholarship monies, etc, to relieve the Board from those tasks.

Suggestion: Create a separate fund where monies are donated (like a dollar or two) in order to purchase flowers, cards, etc., when family members die, have surgery, etc so that the money won't come from the general fund.  Other ways to get monies into this separate fund is by selling items at the reunion such as a bake sale, silent auction, etc.

Suggestion: Establish the PayPal system so that families can make payment for their union dues by utilizing credit cards, debit cards, etc.

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T h e   J a c k s o n   P r e s s

My purpose is to express this company's openness to new ideas. As a result, our company is dedicated to providing a voice to the traditionally disenfranchised, by searching for hidden talents and providing unseen opportunities. DJD Corporation uses a sincere and honest business approach by always being straightforward with business partners. This policy goes a long way to establishing a presence in the community, which is important for any new business. While providing these services, we plan to include all family members in daily running of the company, bringing families closer while working toward a common goal. Lastly, we expect to see from the sales from our first book a company profit of at least $10,000 by this date of 2006.

The Jackson Press
14350 Dallas Pkwy North #2128.
Dallas, TX  75254


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